Solar Tracking System – Its Efficiency, Purpose and Advantages

January 25, 2025

Solar energy is one of the best sources of renewable energy. Once you install a solar system, it can generate solar electricity for 25 to 30 years. Thus, it is a long-term solution for all your energy needs.  

One of the factors which affect solar panel efficiency is the angle at which sunlight falls on the solar panels. To get the best angle, a solar tracking system can be installed to get the best angle and results. 

The advantages of solar tracking systems make it a compelling choice for boosting solar energy output. But by how much does a solar tracking system increase the energy output, and do you need to install one?  

You can find the answers to what is solar tracker and other such questions and learn in detail about the systems by reading this blog. 

What is a Solar Tracker?

Solar trackers are mechanical systems which enhance the efficiency of collecting solar energy. Solar tracking systems enhance energy output by dynamically adjusting panel orientation to track the sun’s movement. They are typically found in large, ground-based installations and structures like solar trees, but are not generally used for residential rooftop solar. 

How Do Solar Tracking Systems Work?

To maximize electricity generation, solar panels need to face the sun directly. The efficiency of solar panels in converting sunlight into electricity is significantly influenced by the angle at which sunlight strikes their surface, referred to as the “angle of incidence.”  

A smaller angle of incidence enhances the energy output of photovoltaic panels. To optimize this angle, solar trackers are employed. They align the panels so that sunlight hits them perpendicularly. 

Solar panel tracking systems operate on a simple but effective principle. They ensure that the solar panels maintain a perpendicular orientation to the sun’s rays and maximize energy generation.  

This is achieved by mounting photovoltaic modules on a movable structure that allows them to rotate and follow the sun’s trajectory throughout the day. The closer the angle of incidence is to 90 degrees, the more electricity the panels can generate. 

To facilitate precise tracking and optimal sunlight collection, solar trackers utilize sophisticated sensors and processors. These systems are equipped with algorithms that enable real-time adjustments throughout the day. It ensures that the panels are always positioned for maximum exposure to sunlight. 

Types of Solar Tracking Systems

Solar tracking systems can be categorized into 2 main types according to their movement: single-axis and dual-axis trackers. 

  • Single Axis Solar Tracker 

Single-axis trackers enable solar panels to pivot along a single axis generally oriented north-south. This design allows the panels to follow the sun’s path from east to west and optimize energy capture throughout the day. By utilizing this technology, you can enhance the performance of your solar energy system without installing additional panels. 

Although the initial investment and ongoing maintenance for single-axis trackers can be significant, the boost in efficiency they provide often justifies these costs over time. For optimal performance, it is advisable to set up these systems on flat terrain in regions that experience warm and dry conditions.Single-axis solar tracking can increase the power output by 25% to 35%. 

  • Dual Axis Solar Tracking System 

In contrast, dual-axis trackers allow solar panels to move along two axes— north-south and east-west. This advanced system is engineered to maximize solar energy collection year-round by employing algorithms. Its sensors monitor seasonal changes in the sun’s elevation as well as its daily movement.  

Despite their potential benefits, dual-axis trackers are less commonly used in solar installations, even for large utility-scale projects. 

These trackers can be particularly beneficial for certain commercial properties, as they can generate up to 40% to 45% more energy compared to standard fixed panels. This makes them an attractive option for businesses with limited rooftop space for solar installations.  

However, utility-scale projects do not require dual-axis systems as they are generally situated on expansive plots of land that do not face the same space limitations as commercial rooftops. 

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Advantages of Solar Tracking Systems

The following are the major advantages of automatic solar trackers: 

  • Improved Efficiency: Solar trackers significantly boost the output of photovoltaic panels and increase their performance by as much as 40%. 
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Investing in solar trackers is a wise financial decision. These systems typically recoup their costs within 5 to 10 years and provide substantial returns over the following two decades or more. 
  • Optimal for Various Locations: Solar trackers are especially beneficial in high-latitude areas where the sun’s trajectory changes throughout the year. Their ability to adjust to seasonal variations allows for maximized solar energy capture across different geographical settings. 
  • Maximizing Sunlight Utilization: The advanced functionality of solar tracking systems enables them to capitalize on extended daylight hours, particularly in the mornings and evenings. Thus this system enhances energy output. 
  • Longevity of Solar Panels: With proper maintenance, solar trackers can extend the lifespan of solar panels by minimizing mechanical and thermal stress. This ensures the solar panels operate effectively for a longer period. 
  • Maximizing Space Efficiency: Solar trackers produce a greater amount of electricity while occupying a similar area as fixed-tilt systems. It helps to maximize land efficiency. 
  • Low Maintenance Needs: With advancements in technology, the maintenance concerns traditionally associated with tracking systems have diminished. It makes them a more sustainable choice over time. 
  • Environmental Benefits: By improving energy efficiency and optimizing land use, solar tracking plays a crucial role in supporting sustainable energy practices. 

​Fixed Solar Panels vs. Solar Tracking Systems

When selecting solar technology, cost is typically the most significant factor. Developers often opt for more solar modules when they are less expensive and prefer fixed designs. 

However, solar trackers are an appealing option for developers if the initial costs are high. Because they want to maximize energy output. 

It is important to note that installing a solar tracker generally incurs higher initial expenses compared to a fixed tilt system. Specifically, the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) costs associated with tracker systems can be up to 13% greater than fixed systems. 

Over time, the cost difference between these two systems may reach 15-20%. However, the additional energy generated can offset the EPC costs over time. Furthermore, any surplus energy sold back to the grid can help cover ongoing maintenance and operational expenses. 

Ultimately, a thorough financial analysis is crucial for determining return on investment (ROI).  

It’s also worth noting that both technologies can be utilized simultaneously. For instance, some solar farms incorporate both fixed and tracking panels to achieve optimal performance. This strategy allows for real-time testing of local conditions.  

Assessments using real-time data can provide valuable insights into local conditions and potential returns for each technology. These insights can help you make the right decision. 


To conclude, solar tracking systems substantially improve photovoltaic panel efficiency by dynamically adjusting to the sun’s movement. This results in a 25% to 45% increase in energy production compared to fixed systems.  

Advantages of solar tracking systems include boosting energy output, optimizing land use and supporting a sustainable energy transition by reducing fossil fuel reliance.  

As renewable energy demand increases, the importance of solar tracking systems will grow. Choosing between single and dual-axis trackers depends on individual project needs. Technological progress is expected to improve their cost-effectiveness and accessibility.  


Frequently Asked Questions

A solar tracker is a device which is installed in the mounting structure of solar systems. It aims to increase the power output by ensuring that sunlight falls perpendicularly on the solar panels. 

A solar panel tracking system follows the movement of the sun and tries to ensure that the sunlight strikes the solar panels perpendicularly. In this condition, the power output of the solar system is maximum. 

The 2 main types of solar tracking systems are single axis solar trackers and dual axis solar tracking systems. Single-axis trackers follow the sun only in 1 direction whereas dual-axis solar trackers follow the sun in 2 directions. 

Improving power output, space efficiency, and environmental benefits are some of the major advantages of solar tracking systems.